Every year the Festival is proposing a specific focusing theme, a topic that compares different practices and visions, exploring ways of expressions and fostering critical reflection. The third edition of In\Visible Cities will focus on the theme of “migrA(c)tions: stories, perceptions, experiences”. Through digital arts and the languages of multimediality, the artists are invited to explore in a broader sense the experience of migration. This is a very hot issue that is present in our everyday life and affects all countries in different ways. This theme is often dealt with superficiality, particularly in the public discourse, where the sterotypes are reiterated without knowledge and comprehension. The Festival aims to be a chance to offer alternative visions and narrations, “different” gazes and points of view, even in contrast amongst them.

According to the Festival’s custom, other than the present situation we will look at the past, at the many migrations’ stories that affected different populations and communities that have preserved memories and narrations. We will deal with migrations caused by wars and conflicts, as well as economic, familiar and work reasons. The main focus will be stories of life, practices of memories’ transmission and the different perceptions of events by the migrants and also by the ones who are giving them shelter; we will focus on the experiences acquired by the migrants in their origins’ countries, or during their trips or when they reach their destinations. The languages of multimediality and digital arts will help to bridge the linguistic gap, by means of performances and installations in which the verbal language is often unnecessary.

Artists, videomakers, film directors, researchers, architects and project managers are invited to reflect upon the Festival’s themes, creating interactions amongst new technologies, artistic expressions and historical documentation. In addition to being “objects of artistic narrations” the migrants will also be active subjects in creating multimedia artistic actions. Within the Festival’s programme there will be workshops including asylum seekers who are currently hosted in the FVG region’s structures. There will be school workshops in which the students will meet and talk with the migrants, so that they will know their stories and put them into multimedia installations; there will be round tables whereby people can meet, use a discourse and images and confront themselves and deal with the difficulties of migrations and acceptance.